What Do You Freeze?

Filed under , by Alison on 7:36 PM


It's common to keep meat and ice cream and other frozen foods in your freezer, but what else can be successfully frozen? Clever Dude shows us how to freeze peanut butter sandwiches. I don't particularly care for PB&J, but still never realized you could freeze them. And it got me thinking, what other stuff out there can be easily frozen and eaten later?

At our house, you'll often find the following non-traditional things in our freezer:

  • A loaf of french bread - the recipe I use makes two loaves, and I always freeze the extra one. It's great for sandwiches (like french dip or meatball or chicken subs) or as a side for most meals.

  • Burritos - whenever we have burritos for dinner, we make up extras to keep in the freezer

  • Roasted green chiles - we buy a big bag when they are in season, roast them, and keep them in the freezer to use in recipes, put on hamburgers, or on our pizza

  • Grated Cheese - I buy a big bag of it at Costco and keep it in the freezer, I find that the cheddar doesn't freeze together, but the mozzarella does (putting the mozzarella into several smaller bags helps to prevent this)
Right now we also have pumpkin puree and applesauce. Those aren't things I normally keep excess of, but I just happened to make a bunch of each those things this past Fall.

Freezing things is a great way to save time and money, you can stock up when sales are good or keep leftovers for more than a few days.

What's in your freezer?