Not Following The Recipe

Filed under , by Alison on 10:13 PM


Yesterday Bug wanted to make cookies. He pulled out a cookbook of his own and opened to a random page and began telling me what should go in the cookies. He was right about the eggs, but he wanted to add water "to the four" in his measuring cup. The recipe didn't call for any water, but he was very adamant that I put water in because that's what his recipe did. So I filled the cup to the four (1/2 cup) and let him add it to the batter. I then had to add a bit of flour to keep it cookie consistency. The finished product had a different texture, but they were awesome! And adding the extra flour and water stretched the dough and we had more cookies than normal.

Why was I so scared to stray from what I knew worked? How often do I do this in other areas of my life? What am I missing out on? Sometimes I need to just stop and realize that I don't have all the answers, that changing things up might work, and that even a three year old can teach me a lesson if I'm just willing to listen.

Photo by scubadive67