Spare Change

Filed under , by Alison on 10:12 PM


There is $8.76 in change in The Tall One's junk drawer. A small amont compared to many, I'm sure. If you add on the $2 bills he has in there, there is $24. 76. Add the random foreign currency and well, I have no idea. So what to do with it? It certainly isn't doing anything for us in the drawer (except just asking for Bug to find it all and give it to Monkey to play with). I see the machines in the grocery store that will count the money for me, but I know they take a cut. I could always roll it and take it to the bank. Last year around this time, I started taking random change out of his drawer and using it buy lunch or ice cream. We don't use much cash, thus we don't get much change, so this is probably about how much we gather in a year's time.

What do you do with your spare change?

Photo by lusi