Spending Money is Okay

Filed under , by Alison on 9:38 PM


Within reason, of course.

I tend to go through phases where I just want to save, save, save, and spend nothing. Which is okay, but really spending can be okay too. Perhaps there's a bit of a hoarder in me. I want to hoard all the money for later I guess. But why? Obviously saving for future needs is important, but what about current needs. Life isn't all about the future after all. In my post about TTOs raise, I wrote about the struggle between actually saving some more money because we're bringing in more and allowing for some wiggle room. I've been thinking about this a lot today and decided to think in terms of the following - realistically, what do I want to spend money on (because if not talking realistically, then bring on the day at the spa). I'd like to have enough warm weather tops to be able to wear a different shirt each day of the week. I'd like to finish landscaping our backyard. I'd like to get a cherry limeade at Sonic once in awhile. Are those things going to break the bank? No they're not. The budget will let me do those things and that's okay. There will be enough money for the future and enough money to enjoy today.

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