The Waffle Story
Filed under Buying Things , by Alison on 8:48 PM
This morning I wanted to make waffles for breakfast. Buggy was adamant that I not make waffles, but make pancakes instead. Not because he wanted pancakes, but because he didn't want me to make waffles. I went ahead with the waffles, but after three failed attempts (despite my efforts, they kept sticking) I gave up and poured myself a bowl of cereal and gave Monkey a banana (appropriate, no?). The moral of the story is not that I should have listened to my son, but rather maybe high price doesn't equal high quality.

photo by dvortygirl (license)
The old one waffle maker was falling apart, but worked just fine. But I wanted a new one and decided that this was an okay splurge. The Tall One wanted one with removable plates to make them easier for cleaning (that's what his mom used to have after all). Those don't really exist so much anymore, but we found one. And we paid, I think $40 out of our pocket and used a $25 gift card for the rest. We paid a lot so it had to be good, right? Well, it had those removable plates, so we kind of didn't care about much else. Long story short, we've followed all the directions, but still have trouble with the waffles sticking. Yeah, those removable plates came in handy, but I think I would have rather had a more reliable non-stick surface. I think we were looking at one feature too much and ignoring others. I should have taken a clue from the one I tossed -it lasted for five years and still worked - and bought another inexpensive one like it!
Sometimes price does go in line with quality, but I think it's important to not assume that that's a hard and fast rule.