Friday Night Link Love: Another Saturday Edition

Filed under , by Alison on 8:44 AM


Our internet connection has been very spotty lately, making it difficult to get out a timely link round-up. So, better late than never, right?

First off, Rachel at Modern Mommyhood is hosting a 12 Weeks of Christmas Carnival. Each week focuses on a different topic. Such a great idea! Last week's topic was all about getting ready for Christmas and included a post of mine.  Be sure to check her site on  Monday when the topic is saving money at Christmas, and if you're a blogger, consider submitting a post for one of the upcoming weeks.  Also, Rachel awarded my blog with a blog award.  Thanks so much, Rachel!

And now some links from my reader:

Being a Full-Time Parent Has More to do With Sacrifice Than Luck (@Frugal Dad): I realize that I am lucky to be able to stay at home with my children, but it does require a tremendous amount of sacrifice.  It's something we knew we wanted and I guess we are "lucky" that things fell into place to allow it.

10 Ideas for the 10 Day Give Challenge (@Mrs. Micah):  Bob at is hosting a 10 day give challenge that's going on right now.  Mrs. Micah has a great list of ways you can give that won't break the bank.  Perfect ideas for the upcoming holiday season.

Psst! Hey Chicken Little, the Economic Sky Isn't Falling (@Gather Little By Little): I tend to agree that things aren't as bad as the media would lead us to think.  I wonder if the economy would pick up faster if the media quit telling us how bad things are.

Guest Post: Family Fun Night (@Money Saving Mom): Some fun ideas for a family night or family day.

Frugal Bra Shopping for the Not-So-Average Woman (@Frugal Hacks): Jaimie has a strategy that works well for other types of shopping also.

Simplicity 101: Slow Down (@Remodeling This Life) When life's chaos starts to get to you, here are some ways you can slow down and remember what's really important to you

 Have a wonderful weekend!