Looking Towards October

Filed under , by Alison on 10:35 PM



photo by sgs_1019

If all goes according to plan, October should be a great month financially.  We've had several occasional bills like car insurance and registration pop up in the past months and October has none of that.  Still, I somewhat dread October because the past two Octobers have brought us a car repair bill.  Two years ago, The Tall One and I walked out to our car and found the passenger's side window completely rolled down.  And it wouldn't roll up.  The same thing happened almost one year to the day later with the driver's side window.  So you can imagine what I fear might happen towards the end of this month.

As for September we ended up in the hole.  Since the stock market was on sale, we decided to throw some money into TTO's 401k.  One might wonder why we chose to do this if it meant that we'd end up in the red.  In September we paid for two things (car registration and Bug's preschool) that more or less we'd been saving for all year.  So a few clicks of the mouse in ING to transfer money from one account to another (I just did it, it was even an amount less than those two expenses combined) and we're good to go.  Second, overall this year we are very much in the positive, so a retirement contribution is probably a good way to spend some money.  Either way, it's done and it'll be a long time before we get that money back.

So, goodbye to September and here's hoping an October free of car repairs.