So Close, But Not Yet

Filed under , , by Alison on 9:40 PM


Disclaimer:  There is a lot of humor and sarcasm in the following post, though I do like Target a lot. 

I received some sad news the other day, the Target that is being built near my home is being put on hold until at least 2010 due to the economic conditions.  What?  I was planning on spending a lot of money there, and I can't be the only one.  The economy is never too bad for Target, I say!  Build it and they will come!


photo by Mr. T in DC

Currently, there are a few Targets located in various directions from my home (one by my doctor's office and one by the boys' pediatrician, I know my priorities) and each is about 25 minutes away.  I make it there about once a month.  But I know that if one were a mere 10 minutes away, I'd be there a lot more frequently.   And consequently spend more money.  Sad, but true.  So in a way this is good thing, because with Target still so far away, more money will stay in my wallet.  Until 2010 that is, when it will all go to Target.