Where's My Sticker?

Filed under , by Alison on 8:36 PM



While visiting my in-laws this weekend, I read in their newspaper that in their county no "I Voted" stickers were being given out in an attempt to cut costs.  I don't know how much was saved by this, but is it worth it?  Apparently voting brings out the five-year-old in us all because people seem to like those stickers.  They wear them with pride (and sometimes use them to get free stuff).  I didn't get a sticker today when I voted today (did my county decide the same thing, did they run out, or was it just a mistake?) and I wanted a sticker!

Is it a good way to cut costs, or a great extra that is worth the cost?

There are many possible ways for people to decrease expenses.  But often people decide, for one reason or another, that those expenses are worth it.  And really, for the most part, there's nothing wrong with that.  If you can afford your luxuries, then more power to you.