Back To Reality
Filed under Money Thoughts , by Alison on 10:27 AM
Now the hustle and bustle of Christmas is behind us. The preparations, the traditions, the visiting with family and friends are done, and now it's time to clean up the aftermath! Oh, and get back to blogging. I need to get back on track with many other things too. Remember those mid-summer goals I made? Yeah, haven't been doing so well with those. One of the reasons I started this blog was to help me stay accountable to the goals I made, mainly financially. This past year, I've learned how many seemingly random things really can relate to finances. For example, if I slack on menu planning (who me?), my grocery shopping becomes more sporadic (and normally more frequent) and as a result, more money is spent. If I'm not organized, I misplace things or forget to use great coupons. It's my hope for the New Year, that I will not only make goals, but keep my readers updated, simply because by updating on how crappy (or wonderful!) I'm doing with something will keep me on the right track. I'm quite lazy, but I really don't like to appear that way!