Christmas Dilemmas: The Cards
Filed under Holidays , Money Thoughts , by Alison on 8:45 AM

It seems that a popular way to cut costs this Christmas is to not send out any cards. I remember last year as I was putting stamps on some of my cards thinking that really this did cost quite a lot! I was thinking about perhaps not sending out the rest of them in an attempt to save some money. But then I made a trip to my mailbox. And what else should I find, but a stack of Christmas cards for my family. And it made me so happy, and I thought that if my sending out cards could bring others that same happiness, it really was the least I could do.
I know many people just send their cards in a digital format. Email correspondence is so natural that sending holiday greetings via cyberspace just doesn't seem the same to me.
I've gone back and forth quite a bit about whether or not to send out cards, but when it comes down to it, I love being on the receiving end, so I want to do what I can to return that favor, even though I may have to cut back elsewhere.