What Makes a Good Day Great?

Filed under , by Alison on 9:10 PM


photo by ccgd

I had a really good day today and I've been trying to figure out what made it so great -  you know, so I can reproduce it another day.

It wasn't a great day because it started out that way.
It wasn't a great day because we spent a lot of money (we didn't spend a dime*).
It wasn't a great day because my kids were perfectly behaved (they weren't).
It wasn't a great day because the house was perfectly clean (though it did stay relatively neat).
It wasn't a great day because we did something fabulous (we stayed home all day and did normal stuff).

I did, however, spend time with the kids, plus I allowed some time for myself, and for my housekeeping duties.

I guess today I just found the perfect combination.

What works for you?  What makes your day great?

*The Tall One did have to get his tire repaired after driving over a nail, but even this unexpected expense didn't take away from my good day, how awesome is that?