Saver or Spender?

Filed under , , , , by Alison on 9:55 PM


photo by jeffedoe

Recently, The Tall One participated in a telephone survey regarding the saving that we are doing for our children's college education. He said he would consider himself a spender, yet admitted that many of his answers would put him into the other category. I told him he just likes to save his money so he can splurge with it later.

How do you really determine which category you fall into?

TTO and I like to try and save money in one area so we don't have to so much in another. But I think he's much closer to the spender end than I am. I often find myself being the bad guy to him and telling him "no, you can't buy that". Large purchases used to put a big pit in my stomach, but that's becoming less and less common. I think that's because our savings is much healthier than it's been in a long time, and not because I'm getting used to the spending. So ultimately, as our savings builds, I think I will end up closer to the spender end of the spectrum. But we'll get there by being a savers, I guess.

To me, it's not very cut and dry, but what do you think? Are you a saver or a spender?