Weekend Link Love: Back Again Edition
Filed under , by Alison on 3:51 PM
photo by zenera
I've taken quite a break from doing my link love posts, it wasn't really intentional, I was just not keeping up with all the blogs I like to read and as a result just skipped over many things. It's sad to think of all the cool stuff I may have missed out on, but at the same time, I'm sure it allowed me to spend quality time on other things... or something like that.
I am hoping to make this a weekly occurrence again because I enjoy sharing things I find, and I hope you enjoy reading one or two of them!
10 Ways to Stop Comparing Your Life to Someone Else's - Simple. Organized. Life
How Much is A Trillion - The Wisdom Journal (a quick, easy read that's definitely worth clicking through)
7 Money Lessons Learned During 7 Years of Marriage - Mighty Bargain Hunter
Are You Earning More or Spending Less? - The Digerati Life
Cutie-Cute Valentine Freebies to Share - Kiddio
25 Uses for Dryer Sheets - Gather Little By Little
Free Paper Toys from the Toymaker - Ohdeedoh