What Does $10 Billion Look Like?

Filed under , by Alison on 8:15 AM


So many really high numbers are being tossed around these days, and it can be hard to conceptualize what they really mean. This construction project in Las Vegas brings a whole new light to how much money a  trillion dollars really is.

Everything in Vegas is big, but this set of buildings dwarfs them all.  This is (or will be) the Las Vegas City  Center.  It will consist of nine highrise buildings including, but not limited to, 500,000 square feet of retail and entertainment, two towers that together house 2400 residences, a 61-story resort, and a monorail to link it all together.  It has provided 8,000 construction jobs and, once it opens, it will employ 12,000.  And all that comes with a price tag of $10 billion. 

So, that's what $10 billion looks like.  You can only imagine, then, what $1 trillion would look like.