What I Made Wednesday: Plastic Bag Holder

Filed under , by Alison on 8:03 AM


For awhile, I've toyed around with the idea of starting a weekly feature featuring things I make with things I already have, but I've never felt like I could create enough for a weekly post. I decided to just go with it and do my best - it doesn't have to be every week, right? And I'll even start the bar low with this project, there's not a whole lot of "make" involved, but I'm counting it anyway.

For a long time, I've been using an old kleenex bos to store plastic grocery bags. They are good to have around for bathroom trash bags, to transport things, and many other miscelleaneous uses. The kleenex box was doing its job, but it was also taking up space on a shelf in my pantry.

So, I hung it up on the wall by pushing some thumbtacks through the back of the box.

It's not cute, but it's practical (and frees up shelf space!). Normally I like things to be cute, but if it's hiding in my pantry, practical is good enough for me.