Pay Attention

Filed under , by Alison on 9:43 PM


I've been perusing Craigslist a lot lately for bunk beds and outdoor toys and whatnot.  I've always thought that a lot of the items are probably overpriced (I paid $20 for this, and it's five years old, but you can have it for only $15!), but lately things are getting downright ridiculous.

I pay most attention to the outdoor toys and recently saw a Little Tykes swingset advertised for $350. The seller pointed out that if you bought this brand new, with tax and shipping, you'd pay close to $600. Which you would, if you bought it using the link provided, which would be purchasing it straight from Little Tykes. If you head over to Toys R Us, you can purchase it for $349. Granted when you tack on tax, you'll be paying more than what the seller wants for it, but the whole thing is just a bit too deceiving for my liking.

Moral of the story? Don't assume that just because you are buying something used you are getting a fabulous deal.  Do your own research and find out what you'd pay for a brand-new version, don't necessarily trust the research of others.