What I Made Wednesday: Notepad Holder

Filed under , by Alison on 8:50 AM


While scrambling for paper and a pencil to write down a phone message, I thought of how nice it would be to have a special pad and paper by the phone at all times. The I realized that I've tried that before and they both tend to disappear. I thought that maybe if the notepad was a bit special, it might stick around longer.

I raided my stash of picture frames that aren't being currently used and found one about the size of a pad of post-it notes. I removed the glass and glued the pad onto the cardboard that was behind the glass.

I attached a piece of string to the back of the frame and tied it to a pen.

Now we just wait and see how long it stays there!

For more What I Made Wednesday Fun, visit Emily at Remodeling This Life - she made a camera strap cover! Have you blogged about something you made recently? Leave me a link in the comment section. What to join in next week? Send me an email.