The Perfect Picture Package

Filed under , , by Alison on 10:06 PM


I'm sitting here with the order form for my son's school pictures trying to decide which package to buy. Luckily, we already received a proof and know it's an adorable picture so it's worth paying at least some money for. But how many pictures do we really need? We had a family photo shoot over the summer, so I do have some nice professional pictures of him already. So that eliminates the larger packages. I do want to put together a frame with all of his school pictures (starting with this one - he's just in kindergarten), so I need one for that. But how many others do I need? I pulled out my own kindergarten school pictures to show the kids and they both thought that was fun. But, one really just needs a single picture for posterity's sake, and I had a whole sheet of wallets! I'm sure the grandparents wouldn't mind a framed picture of him, so I should probably make sure there's some for them. He's too young to want to give pictures to friends (do kids even do that anymore? Is it just a girl thing?) so there's no need for lots of wallet sized ones. Decisions, decisions!

Do you purchase school pictures? How do you decide which package to buy?