Remembering What's Important

Filed under , , by Alison on 4:29 PM


This is a picture from a trip that The Tall One and I took to Peru after we graduated from college. These people live in a remote village in the jungle, a very long boat ride away from the nearest town. Visiting the village was an extremely humbling experience. These people had nothing but the very essential basics. What I remember most from the visit was that these people were so happy. At Christmastime it seems I especially need to be reminded of my visit. I tend to get so caught up in all the things that I don't get finished, the things that aren't quite perfect, when really I should focus on all that is good. My family, my friends, a roof over my head. That's about all these Peruvians had and they were the best example I've ever seen of being genuinely happy.

Merry Christmas to you and yours. May you remember, too, to focus on what's really important.