Saving Money Without the Sale

Filed under , , by Alison on 4:38 PM


On Friday, like many of you perhaps, The Tall One and I went out shopping. At Toys R Us, we picked up two Lego sets for Bug, so guess what's on sale there this week? That's right, the Lego sets are buy one get one half off. At first I was disappointed that we didn't wait seing as we could have saved several dollars. Eventually I realized that chances were pretty good that there would have been no saving involved. Chances are if we had gone to the store and saw that promotion, we wouldn't have bought two $10 sets, we would have used it as an opportunity  excuse to just purchase more expensive sets!

A similar thing happened at another store that day. I went in and picked up what was on my list plus an extra t-shirt for Monkey and got in line. Only then did I notice that the everything in the store was an additional 25% off! I thought about getting out of line to grab some more things, but I knew there was nothing else I needed so perhaps staying in line was the best thing for my wallet!

I do love a good sale, but you must be careful that it doesn't trick you into spending more than is necessary!