What I Made Wednesday: Marble Magnets

Filed under , by Alison on 8:54 AM


I created these for gifts for all the ladies at church. They are a fairly inexpensive and quick to complete project that's pretty darn useful too! For just about $15, I was able to make 100.

The internet has many, many tutorials for these, so I won't go into too much detail as for how to make them. Essentially, you  just choose some paper, cut it to size and glue it to the flat end of a marble and then glue the magnet to that. I used a hot glue gun and it worked quite nicely.

Have you blogged about something you made recently? Leave me a link in the comment section - I'd love to see it. What to join in next week? Send me an email and I'll be sure to link to you in next week's post.