The Benefits of Banking Online
Filed under Money Thoughts , by Alison on 10:59 PM

I caught part of a story on the Today Show the other day touting online banking as a great way to save money. Of course you can save on stamps, but apparently people who bank online check their account balances more often. This helps you catch any fraudulent activity quicker, but I also imagine that people who check their balances frequently are less likely to bounce checks and just in general keep better tabs on their spending.
We utilize our local bank's online features and I love the convenience. It's easy to check and see what our balance is and to make any transfers. We also have a savings account with ING. And when they rolled out their checking accounts we opened one of those as well. The biggest draw for us is a higher interest rate than any local banks. I use ING's bill pay features and as a result I rarely buy stamps and have yet to purchase another set of checks.
I imagine that I am saving a bit of money through the use of my online accounts.
Do you use any online banking features? What has been your experiences?