Saving On Less

Filed under , , by Alison on 11:24 PM



photo by alancleaver_200

Our current savings goal is a new-to-us car. We want a larger car to better accommodate our family, but we don't want a car payment. A pay cut is not really conducive to saving a bunch of money, yet oddly enough when we first found out about TTOs pay cut, I was motivated to save even more towards our new car. But then the news came about my decrease in hours and I was suddenly ready to throw in the towel. You see, my earnings were going to go straight to savings, no questions asked (which usually is the case, but often we dip into those dollars when we go over budget), so when I found out I'd be earning significantly less, I was very discouraged. As if putting tens of dollars a pay period is somehow less important than putting hundreds of dollars in. I was starting to think there was no point in saving anything, because it's going to be harder to reach our goal. It's certainly going to make less of a dent, but it still is significant. Every little bit counts, and the reward will probably be that much sweeter too.