Bell Peppers, Anyone?
Filed under Buying Things , by Alison on 3:05 PM

Two grocery shopping trips ago I purchased one bell pepper, but I was charged for 71 of them. Fun, huh? I didn't notice this error until I was waiting for the bell to ring in the parking lot of my son's school. Though when I returned the next day to request a refund (it was either that or request my seventy bell peppers) I was given it no questions asked, I was still kicking myself for not noticing it earlier.
When the cashier read me my total, I knew it sounded a bit high, but I chalked it up to the fact that I had simply started rushing at the end of my shopping trip and stopped paying attention to the cost of what I was putting in my cart. It figures that the one time I didn't do a once over of my receipt there was a large error!
Usually I try and estimate the total before I get to the register. I round everything to the nearest dollar and if the totals are really different I know something is up. It's easier than it sounds. If you have trouble keeping track in your head, you could always jot some notes down on your shopping list. Clearly, I didn't do that this time - otherwise I would have known for sure and could have had it corrected before leaving the store.
photo by bulliver via