Things Offered in My City - What About Yours?

Filed under , by Alison on 8:28 PM



photo by kalandrakas

Here's a list of some of the free services offered in the city I live in.  It seems like I'm always discovering new and great things.  I know you don't all live where I do, but maybe your city has some great stuff that you don't know about yet either, and I'm hoping this list will inspire you to learn more about what's offered where you live.

Curbside Recycling.  This isn't really obvious since only some neighborhoods are given specific recycling bins, yet the city will pick up recycling from your curbside on your trash pick-up day.

Large Item Pick-up.  Got a broken old couch?  The city will pick it up for free (assuming you pay for regular trash pick-up).  That's right folks, you don't need to dump it in the desert behind my house!

Free Museums.  Most every museum in the city has one day a month of free admission or a few days a year when admission is free.

Self-Guided Walking Tours.   These guidebooks (that you download and print at home) guide you through historic neighborhoods and point out interesting things you might otherwise miss.

Homework Help.  From the library or from home, if your child needs help with homework s/he can connect with a live tutor for free.

Rebates for Energy Efficient Purchases.  The water company will also give you a credit on your water bill if you attend a lawn watering class and they offer other classes as well.

What are some cool things you can get for free where you live?