Do You Really Need It?

Filed under , by Alison on 9:32 PM


So when did laptops become essential back to school supplies?  I'm not talking about college students, or even high school students, but I've seen some commercials (one in particular) that would like to convince me that I'm not a good mom unless my late elementary or middle school aged kids are laptop owners.  I got a good laugh out of this comic strip because it seems that the author might be thinking the same thing I am.

Sure, a laptop can be a nice educational tool, but is it really a necessity?  There are lots of things that make life much more enjoyable and convenient, but are these things really needs?

Truly the only needs are food, shelter (and the utilities that come along with it), transportation, and clothing. But even within those categories the line between a need and a want can be fuzzy at times.  Often when you give into one want, others quickly follow.  I work from home tutoring online and when I first started The Tall One said he needed some headphones so he could listen to the TV while I was working.  Fair enough, but eventually he decided he needed an iPod Touch so he could have internet access while I was working.  After that, he thought we needed a new computer so I could work upstairs in a different room and he could be on the computer downstairs.  He was trying to be cute and funny and not so much serious, but still it's a good example of how our wants can just build upon each other.

I have more thoughts on the subject, so be sure to come back tomorrow!