Saving Isn't Always Saving

Filed under , by Alison on 6:37 AM


The Tall One and I just returned home from a few days in Las Vegas (without kids!).  Las Vegas is not a budget travel destination by any means, but one way we cut our costs was to sit through a time-share presentation in exchange for a free show and two free meals.  The point of this post is not to debate the pros and cons of time-shares (or sitting through the presentations) and we did not buy in (nor do we plan to any time soon) so any such talk would be pointless.  Instead, I just wanted to bring up something that has been on my mind ever since.  It's a concept that any money savvy person knows, but something I keep dwelling on nonetheless (so now you can all dwell on it with me).

We were intrigued by this particular concept, but agreed that in the future it could be potentially money-saving (assuming we had a large amount of cash burning a hole in our savings account), but right now it isn't, though of course the nice sales people tried to convince us that we would be saving so much money with this! But we wouldn't. Right now we aren't taking week-long vacations (mainly because TTO hasn't had enough vacation time from work to do so) and when we do go on trips, we tend to stay with friends or family.  Thus, we wouldn't be saving any money since we aren't spending very much in this area in the first place! 

The phrase "saving money" seems to be tossed around so casually that it's almost annoying.