The Price of Pencils

Filed under , , by Alison on 10:30 PM


His lunch is packed, the supplies are purchased, and he has his first day of school outfit ready to go. Tomorrow is my son's first day as a first-grader. The nation seems to be a buzz in all things back to school. You'll be happy to know that even my local spa and billiard store is currently having a back-to-school sale. I've seen reports stating that the average family spends around $600 per kid to get their children ready for school. Seriously? I spent perhaps 10% of that amount, but I just have a young one to prep. I suppose a new computer here and there could up that average, but that still seems like an awful lot to pay for some kleenex and pencils (if you can find the pencils, that is, just like last year, pencils were the hardest thing for me to find).

Sure the school supply list is extensive and for some reason graphing calculators are just as expensive as they were fifteen years ago, but I think the real cost comes when people feel the need to revamp their kids' wardrobes just in time for back to school. I think it's fun to have a few new items for the occasion, but if last year's shoes still fit, why buy new? If it's not going to cool down for several more weeks, why stock up on jeans now? In all honesty, I don't really even think I've seen many fabulous clothing sales in recent weeks.

What are your thoughts on back-to-school shopping? How close did you come to that $600 number?