Revamping My Winter Wardrobe

Filed under , , by Alison on 7:28 AM


I used to think I had a pretty good grip on when it was time to buy new clothes, now I'm not so sure.
With the change in seasons comes a change in wardrobe. It's time to pull out the pants and sweaters and pack away everything else. It may also be time to buy new things too, and this year I'm struggling with knowing if I really do need new clothes or not.

Thanks to broken zippers and holes larger than I cared to patch up, my pants supply quickly dwindled to two. It was easy to figure out that that was not enough pairs of pants for me and that I needed more. I have a good number of long-sleeved tops, but frankly I'm tired of them. I feel like I've been wearing them for too many years in a row. I have many things that I would get rid of but then I would be left with just a small handful of shirts. If I really cleared out all the clothing items that I don't so much like anymore, I would need new things.  I guess I have a hard time getting rid of something perfectly useful simply because I don't like it anymore.