All He Wants For Christmas

Filed under , , by Alison on 2:29 PM


Is nothing.

Here it is the season of wish lists and letters to Santa, and my three year old apparently missed the memo. He's been in the toy stores, leafed through the catalog, and seen a few commercials, but he just doesn't have a case of the gimmies. I'm certainly not complaining.

He's got the concept down pat when it comes to the grocery store. We come within a ten foot radius of the string cheese and he starts whining for some. He doesn't even really like it, so of course I won't buy it. Then every now and then something will catch his eye and he'll point it out to me and demand I buy it. But this hasn't transferred to toys yet. He just doesn't make any connections between seeing a cool toy and wanting it for himself.

So, this Christmas I don't have to worry about making sure I fill his wish list, seeing as he doesn't have one. Maybe I'll get him some string cheese.