Forced Frugality

Filed under , by Alison on 10:52 AM


So a few weeks ago, I was all set to cancel our daily newspaper subscription, but instead went to Sunday only. Our delivery service has been horrible this past week. We were supposed to get daily papers until Wednesday of last week and then start Sunday only on the 18th. Tuesday and Wednesday's papers didn't get delivered, and neither did Sunday's. I was mad. I called twice on Sunday to request redelivery, threatening to cancel if I didn't get it, but still no paper. But what shows up on Monday morning? A paper. And on Tuesday? Another paper. Okay, so they do owe us two papers, but we got one today too. I called today to cancel it for good. I was really hoping they'd offer to give me a free month to make up for my frustration, but no such luck. I really don't want to cancel it, but it's the principle of the thing. I don't want to give them my business right now if I'm not going to be treated well. So I'm forced to save money. Which really isn't a bad thing, but I'll miss my Sunday paper.

Have you ever been forced to be frugal and wanted to spend money on something, but couldn't 't?