Look, Touch, Just Don't Buy

Filed under , , by Alison on 10:46 AM


On Wednesday night, The Tall One came home with a very generous Thanksgiving bonus from his boss. So generous, in fact, that he could have almost gone out to buy that iPod Touch he wants so badly. I said no. I'm mean. No one's giving me huge bonuses to spend on expensive gadgets, so why should he get to spend it all on one?

On Friday night, we visited the iPod Touch at The Apple Store. Oh, how TTO wanted to bring one home. He kept reminding me that he had just enough money for one still in his wallet. I said no. But, man, these things are cool. The interface is amazing. After playing with one, I wanted one and TTO decided he needed one. I said no. But Christmas is coming. He knows that his grandfather will send a nice check and if he asks, his parents and mine will give him money in lieu of gifts. And I'm not so mean that some of his bonus can't be used towards one.

So, it looks like that through the power of saving up money, The Tall One will get his iPod Touch for Christmas after all. What a conept.