The Lost Coupon

Filed under , by Alison on 3:43 PM


I decided to brave Walgreens today and snag some good deals there. I was very excited to use their store coupon for 99 cent Colgate toothpaste and toothbrushes and stack it with a 75 cent manufacturer's coupon I had. But when I got to the register both coupons were nowhere to be found. Since one was a store coupon, the cashier rung it up for me, but the other one was just lost.

Now we back up a bit...

I don't know why I often enter stores with the dilusion that Bug will be well behaved if he's not in the shopping cart. But silly me, I decided it would be okay to have him walk by me. Ha. He soon lost that privilege, and I hoisted him into the shopping cart. No easy task since I was wearing Monkey in the sling. At one point I was thinking rationally and since the small Walgreen's shopping carts won't hold both boys, I decided I'd use the sling for Monkey so there'd be plenty of room for Bug in the cart. And then apparently I got hit by a ton of bricks and all common sense left me. Anyway, the coupons were on the seat of the shopping cart and I think they fell out of the cart when I put Bug in. I do hope someone found them and put them to good use.

I got some fabulous deals at Albertson's this week. Stove Top Stuffing was on sale for $1, not so great considering Target has it for 79 cents this week. But, there was a coupon to buy three and get one for free, so that becomes a great deal. Dry onion soup mix was also on sale for $1, toss in a coupon for 75 cents off two and another good deal for me.

I went over my weekly budget by $7.55, but I also bought toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes totalling $13. I haven't decided if I'm going to include that stuff in the grocery budget. In the past it just depended on how I do in the grocery category, sometimes that stuff goes over into household (our catchall category, basically). I really should decide on one category or another, though. Things are still looking good as far as the month goes, considering we'll be out of town for Thanksgiving.