October Wrap-up

Filed under , , by Alison on 4:24 PM


October was a good month, well other than the car, that is. We went over budget about $35 plus whatever The Tall One spent on my birthday gift (he entered it in the computer as seven cents, but I'm thinking he spent more than that). The $35 is about how much I went over in groceries last month. I did a lot of stocking up at the grocery store this past month, thanks to some fabulous loss leaders ($1 for five pound bag of flour, can't beat that!) and then there was Halloween candy to pass out to Trick or Treaters. Theoretically November should be under because I won't have to buy the things I stocked up on last month. We'll see. We don't budget to spend nearly $500 to fix our car each month, but we do set aside a little bit, combine that with things like dining out (which we didn't do at all) and the fact that I budgeted a bit too much for diapers and we came in under on gas for the car and we had a good month.