A Week Without The Grocery Store

Filed under , by Alison on 5:17 PM


We've been challenged by local leaders of our church to live off the food we currently have for one week as sort of an emergency prepardness drill. That means no trips to the grocery store. I learned of this challenge this morning and my first thought was, why didn't we get any advance notice on this. But my second thought came very quickly. Duh, you don't usually get too much advance notice in the case of an emergency.

We have enough food to last us a week no problem, milk though, that's a problem. Based on what we've got now, I'd need more come Wednesday or so (Buggy and I are both big milk drinkers, well so is Monkey, just not that sort of milk :). I'll survive, but should we run out, Bug won't be so happy. So, grocery store, I will miss you, but see ya next Monday!