Using What You've Got For Dinner

Filed under , by Alison on 5:48 PM


The other night I had beef burritos planned for dinner since I had some cooked hamburger in the fridge to use up.  The Tall One suggested we throw in some of the leftover pork from our Christmas Day tamale making.  He needed to push aside some beans to get to the pork and decided those would go great in the burritos as well.  I saw some rice and suggested that.  Originally, I intended to cook up some more hamburger for the burritos, but we had so many usable leftovers that I didn't need to!

Other ways that I use what I've got:
  • Leftover taco or burrito filling becomes a baked potato topper
  • The tomato juice left in the can after making chili becomes a base for either Hamburger Stew or Tomato Macaroni Soup
  • Leftover chicken becomes sandwich filling
  • Lunch meat becomes a baked potato topper
I love it anytime that I can reuse leftovers in a different way.  It makes leftovers seem not so leftover-ish.