The Scrapbooking Dilemma: Paper vs. Digital

Filed under , by Alison on 9:21 PM


I really enjoy scrapbooking. I love all the different supplies, the textures, and physically manipulating everything with my hands. I love searching through my stash to find the perfect little accent that will just finish up the page.

But paper scrapbooking is expensive, digital not as much.

I've done just enough digital scrapbooking to know I'd like it and to know that it can be cheaper. You buy a kit (though sometimes you can download free ones) and then you can reuse all the elements to your hearts content. In the world of paper scrapbooking, you can't reuse ribbon and glue. Sure there's printing costs involved with digital scrapbooking, but I'm still fairly certain it'd be a more frugal hobby.

But I like paper, I don't want to abandon it.

I've thought about just doing a little bit of both. But do I really need another hobby that involves sitting at a computer? I think not.

What to do. What to do.