House Envy Update

Filed under , by Alison on 9:26 PM


Last month I wrote about some ways I planned to combat the urge to go out and buy new furnishings so my house could be as cool as the house I attended for a playdate. I thought I'd give a little update on my progress.

I was going to do three things: keep the computer desk organized and clean, move the microwave to a different spot to give the illusion of more counter space, and enforce the no toys in the living room rule.

I've been trying really hard to keep the computer desk clutter free, and I've done a good job, but that clutter seems to multiply faster than my neighbor's rabbits. My biggest trouble spot is the top of the hutch. I have nothing cute and decorative to put there, so it's so easy to just let things pile up. I'm going to take drastic measures. I'd like to remove the hutch, and thus remove my trouble spot. I can't put junk on a hutch that doesn't exist, right? I've already started putting what's there in other places. A lot really was trash, if I haven't referred to it in months, then I don't need it. Some needed to be filed away. I took a cue from Mrs. Fussypants and made some covers for our cube storage units. I will put a lot of stuff in them now that I can just cover them up with fabric. And my best motivator for keeping it clean? My mother-in-law thinks it can't be done. Ha! I'm certainly up for a good challenge.

I moved the microwave away from the oven and I love it that when I pull something out of the oven I don't have to scramble to find a space to put it! There's enough counter space for it right there! It kind of takes away from prep space where it is now, but not enough that it really bothers me. Simply moving things around can make a huge difference!

Last but not least, enforcing the no toys in the living room rule. This one didn't go so well at first. Much to Bug's delight, I just couldn't remember my own rule! And to make matters worse, I'd often break it when Bug was at preschool or asleep and bring in some toys for Monkey so I could hang out on the computer and still keep an eye on him. The toys wouldn't always make it out of there. But I loved it when the room was clean and toy free, it made me so happy and content with my home. So I remembered that feeling and started enforcing the rule. I've started trying to make that room a nice area that will welcome others into my home and serve as a special place for entertaining as well as relaxing. I'll post more on that as I accomplish more.

I set out to do a few things that would make me love my house even more, and I did it with minimal money out of pocket (the fabric for the covers did cost a few dollars). What could be better than that?

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