Temptation in Catalog Form

Filed under , by Alison on 9:31 PM


I get a few catalogs in the mail, mainly from companies I've bought from in the past. Sometimes I take the time to flip through, other times they get tossed right away. They've never really made me want to buy something I don't need. Until yesterday.

I got in the mail a catalog from Down East Basics (check out the skirt on the front page, isn't that adorable?). I got their Fall and Winter catalogs and was not very impressed. But their Spring catalog, oh my. But do I need clothes? I certainly want more, but I always have a hard time figuring out when I need more. I purchased a few maternity tops last year from them and I was pleased with their quality, overall, but it seems like I can get more bang for my buck elsewhere.

I should just toss the catalog and forget it. But I probably won't. I'll keep it around and maybe, just maybe, buy myself a new skirt.