The Gas Station Really Wanted My Money

Filed under , by Alison on 10:06 PM


I try and shoot for filling up my gas tank no more frequently than every two weeks (I don't drive a whole lot, but we live sort of far from some places that go often). This week I thought I was sitting pretty as on Friday I noticed I had just passed the half a tank mark - Saturday would have been the two week mark, but maybe I could make it three weeks!

But then on Saturday The Tall One drove all over town to find a sprinkler part (he took the kids, so I can't get too mad) and then later he drove all over town to find a part and a tool to repair his car (and this time I can be partially mad because he only took one kid). That night we drove 40 miles one way to see a concert (free tickets from TTOs work, can't complain there) and on the way home stopped for gas. Sigh. So close, yet so far.