March Wrap-Up

Filed under , by Alison on 8:56 PM


So, um, last month we spent a lot of money. More than we brought in, in fact. As I've mentioned before, we bought plane tickets (about $2000 worth) for traveling this summer. And then there was the carseat, and a car needed repair, and both cars needed oil changes, and the sprinklers needing fixing, and we bought a dining room table. I hate to say "but if", because it feels like I'm just making excuses, but if we hadn't bought the plane tickets, we would still have ended up $44.13 in the positive. That's good. I'm glad we were able to stick to the budget to help cover the costs of all those unplanned (and some planned) expenses.

The good news is, of course, that we had enough saved up to cover these expenses. We had money saved for travel (and The Tall One's grandfather is kind enough to help offset the costs of some of our plane tickets since one trip is for a family reunion) and we had money saved for the dining table (we were just waiting for the right one to come up).

But want to know the best news? I came in under in groceries (sixty four cents under, but under is under).