The Unplanned Expense That I Should Have Planned For

Filed under , , by Alison on 7:59 PM


Yesterday, I put Monkey (my almost nine month old) on the scale to see how much he weighed. He's getting very close to 20 pounds, which means he's getting very close to needing a new carseat. This came as a surprise to me, but shouldn't have. Bug didn't grow out of his infant seat until he was close to 13 months old, but I was still prepared, I asked for it for Christmas for him when he was just 5 months old. But nowhere in this year's budget did I account for a new carseat for Monkey (which is more of a nuisance than a problem).

On Monday is his 9 month check up, and therefore he'll get weighed. I really hope he has some time left before he hits 20 pounds so I can do a better job researching prices and maybe come across a nice sale. He looked really close to 20 on our scale, but who knows, maybe I'll just end up buying a more accurate scale and have a little while before I need to have the carseat. Though the scale isn't in the budget either...