Friday Night Link Love: THe Camping Edition

Filed under , by Alison on 7:54 PM


Tonight The Tall One and Bug are off camping. The house sure is quiet without them!
Here are some articles from my RSS reader that I'd like to share:

A Good Budget is not an Iron-Clad Contract at I've Paid Twice For This Already - So true! I usually go over in at least one category a month, but because I've organized where our money goes, there is always extra money to cover it, either from the current month or a previous month.

Keeping Summer Essentials Handy at Frugal Hacks - A great list of things to have on hand to entertain the young ones during the summer months

Kyle's Coupons: Summer Fun at Being Frugal - After you've read the above posts on things to have on hand, read this post on things to do during the summer.

Three Keys to Finding True Happiness at Frugal Dad - Sometimes shifting your focus and your thoughts is all you need to do to find happiness

Look! Reusable Sandwich Wrap Tutorial at Ohdeedoh - Crafty, frugal, environmentally friendly, what more could you want?

Getting Back To Basics at Remodeling This Life - A list of ways that you can live more simply.

Have a wonderful weekend!