Buying Ahead
Filed under Budgeting , Buying Things , by Alison on 8:48 PM

photo by Mark.Pilgrim via flickr
I've always had a fear of buying clothing that didn't currently fit my child. I mean heaven forbid I spend $2 on a super clearance priced shirt that will fit my son next year, only to have it not line up correctly with the season. I know it's somewhat crazy and that I could have potentially saved a lot of money, but it's something I've always been reluctant to do.
For babies, it is somewhat of a risk. They grow so unpredictably. But if you find a great price, it's a risk worth take and here's a few reasons why:
- It just might fit your child perfectly when the time is right (imagine that!)
- It can always be used as a gift
- short sleeved t-shirts can worn year round since they can be layered over a long sleeve shirt in the winter.
- Is it really the end of the world if you end up giving it to a friend or taking it over to Goodwill?
Do you regularly buy your children larger clothes meant to fit them in the future? Any tips to share?