If I Had a Million Dollars...

Filed under , by Alison on 8:58 PM


I do enjoy that song by the Barenaked Ladies but alas, I do not have a million dollars. I don't have fifty thousand dollars either, but Hank at My Investing Blog is wondering what I'd do with it if I did have it. He has a contest going on right now where all you have to do to enter is answer the following question "If you were given $50,000USD (tax free) today, what would you spend it on?". Unfortunately he isn't giving away $50,000, but a chance to win either a $150, $100, or $50 gift card will do.

If I was given that money, I think The Tall One and I would first pay off his student loan, it's super low interest, but still a debt that would be nice to be done with. After that, we'd buy a new (to us) car. We'd like a bigger car, because we enjoy paying a small fortune for gas we'd like to be able to eventually fit more carseats in our car. The rest would go towards the mortgage so we would be able to kiss our monthly PMI payments good-bye.

What's that you say? All work and no play? Getting rid of the PMI and the student loan would free up an additional $250 each month. I think we could have a little fun with that. Though we'd probably be all responsible-like and invest more towards our retirement. Actually it's hard to really truly know what we would do should $50,000 suddenly end up in our laps. It'd be quite hard to not spend it all on new clothes and furniture, I imagine.

What would you spend it on? Though I'd love you to comment here, I'm not the one giving away any prizes. So go visit Hank and be sure to enter there.