June Wrap-Up

Filed under , by Alison on 9:26 PM


I had high hopes for June. Previous months brought too many unexpected and annoying expenses for my taste and I really hoped that in June things would just fall into place as they should. And for the most part they did. We did have The Tall One's life insurance premium to pay, but we knew it was coming so it didn't annoy me too much. That did put us in the whole for this month, but that is okay since it's an irregular and planned for in advance thing. There's money to pay for it in our irregular expenses account.

What about groceries? Well, originally it looked like I spent about $20 more than I had wanted to, what with being out of town and all, but then when I realized that TTO was home and eating for the last week (while I was away with the boys), I figured that I did okay.

The end of June also marked the end of the first half of the year, so I did some budget checking. We've managed to put away a nice amount in savings and, most importantly, we haven't absorbed TTO's January raise into our monthly expenses. On average, we've saved that much and more each month.

I love it that I feel content with my spending and I'm spending below our means. Yes, I'd love to be able to spend a bit more freely, and splurge a bit more, but for the time being I'm content.