Where Are The Success Stories?
Filed under Money Thoughts , by Alison on 8:34 PM
It seems that each time I watch the national newscast, there's a story of a family that just can't make ends meet. Either they are facing foreclosure on their home, forced to make the choice between buying food or paying the electric bill, or using up their retirement money to help out an adult child. I'm not arguing that these aren't real problems, but what about the people who are making it? Where are the success stories?

The media would have us believe that all middle wage income earners are in trouble due to the down turn in the economy. I hate that because I imagine it makes it easier for those people who are in financial trouble to justify their situation, to tell themselves that it's okay that they made a bad choice when they chose their mortgage or that it's okay to be knee-deep in credit card debt because isn't everyone else in the same predicament?
My family isn't. The same is true for many families that I know personally. We are (for the most part*) a one income family with children and we own our home. Statistics say that isn't possible, gas and food just cost too much. While I'm not fond of the prices I see when I grocery shop or fill up my tank, it's not forcing us to rely on plastic. Many would argue that we're lucky, that we've just made good choices in the past. Which is probably true, but I think the fact that we know we are responsible for our own choices plays a role also. That doesn't mean we've made all the right choices.
I applaud those who have turned their own financial lives around and, as a result, are a success story. And normally pretty dang inspiring. But why can't we hear more of that on the news? Because media giants of the world, I'm here to tell ya..
...it is possible
*I do work a few hours a week from home, so technically we aren't a one income family. While I don't bring in a whole lot - it is helpful, as in it allows us to eat out a few more times a month that we otherwise would.