Is it Worth It?
Filed under Stretching Your Dollars , by Alison on 2:51 PM

photo by Number Six (bill lapp)
A few months ago, I had The Tall One put up a clothesline in the backyard. Since then, I've been drying maybe two loads a week outside as opposed to using the dryer. I was curious to calculate how much I was saving by doing this and, unfortunately, it's not much.
Using this natural gas appliance calcuator, as well as using the formula here to calculate the electricity used (It's a gas dryer, but there's some electricity involved to run the motor) I figured it costs about twenty five cents to dry a load of laundry.
So is it worth it just to save a quarter? Um, not so much. But I'll keep doing it about as frequently as I am now. It does take time, but I use it as an excuse to go outside. If my boys are in bed it can be quite relaxing, and if they aren't, they get some outside playtime. Bug enjoys helping me and it's always fun to involve him in chores.
But just a quarter? I was hoping for maybe a whole dollar.