What's Your Want Weakness?
Filed under Buying Things , by Alison on 7:31 PM

Yesterday, I wrote a little bit about needs and wants and mentioned that I thought the line between what is a need and what is not can sometimes be a bit fuzzy. For me, the biggest fuzzy spot comes with buying new clothes for myself. I have clothes, they might not be as trendy as I'd like, but they aren't covered in stains and they don't look totally worn. They are completely wearable, and for that reason I have trouble justifying adding anything to my wardrobe.
There are plenty of other instances where I see something, and I totally know I don't need it, but I buy it anyway. Clothing does not fall into that category. I see something cute and fabulous at the store, but normally talk myself out of it, because I don't "need" it. And then curse myself each morning because I'm sick of my wardrobe! It's a vicious cycle.
What's your want weakness? Is there something for you that falls into that gray area between need and want?